So, quite by accident this morning while flicking through the pages of the internets, I came across a battle of epic proportions: the WAR ON BLAGTUBES. What are the blagtubes, you may be thinking. Well, so was I. After much thought on the situation (and also googling the term), I deduced that it's a fancy word for a big bunch of blog posts. That sounds cooler than "a big bunch of blog posts," might I add. I know that the battle is epic, and you can find a post on it in this rather awesome sentence. Be aware, that particular blog is run by a Texan College Student Hippie and I cannot, therefore, guarantee the content to be totally wholesome and unrelated to programming. (We love you, Alex!)
(Okay, I'll admit it. I wanted to be one of the few websites that came up when blagtubes were mentioned.)
Maybe if I say blagtubes enough I'll get bumped in the search results.
Blagtubes blagtubes blagtubes.Take me to the blagtubes!
...blagtubes. *cough*
Ooh, maybe I'll even get comments! I've not had a comment on this blog yet, at all.
Second discovery! Click here and here. Pomplamoose. 'Nuff said.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
3 Days with a Billionaire
The only thing that limits you is your thinking.
Stop and just think about it. What are your goals, if you could have three material things, as Dr Peter Daniels said, "That you could put in a bucket," what would they be? Anything in the world.
What do you come up with?
I sat there, a bit stumped for a moment.
Then, all of a sudden, everything he had been saying clicked!
The only thing limiting me is my thinking!
Tonight was life changing. The past three nights have been life changing. I have had the privilege to listen to and spend time with Dr Peter Daniels, an amazing man who really knows his beans when it comes to life and being something big in it.
The only thing limiting me is my thinking. Nothing else! My current financial situation, my age, my gender and my race have absolutely nothing to do with it.
There is so, so much more to what I have learned...but I wanted you to know, everyone.
Look out world, I might just have the most successful Australian publishing company ever one day. Or something. Whatever - I'm going to change the world.
You just watch.
Stop and just think about it. What are your goals, if you could have three material things, as Dr Peter Daniels said, "That you could put in a bucket," what would they be? Anything in the world.
What do you come up with?
I sat there, a bit stumped for a moment.
Then, all of a sudden, everything he had been saying clicked!
The only thing limiting me is my thinking!
Tonight was life changing. The past three nights have been life changing. I have had the privilege to listen to and spend time with Dr Peter Daniels, an amazing man who really knows his beans when it comes to life and being something big in it.
The only thing limiting me is my thinking. Nothing else! My current financial situation, my age, my gender and my race have absolutely nothing to do with it.
There is so, so much more to what I have learned...but I wanted you to know, everyone.
Look out world, I might just have the most successful Australian publishing company ever one day. Or something. Whatever - I'm going to change the world.
You just watch.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
God is Good?
My friend Grace and I have been trying to bring back this saying:
Person 1: "GOD IS GOOD!"
Everyone else: "ALL THE TIME!"
Person 1: "ALL THE TIME!"
Everyone else: "GOD IS GOOD!"
It's simple, yet profoundly true and awesome. And fun.
Recently, though, a friend said to me (in paraphrase), "No, He isn't. look at all of this..." and proceeded to point out different places in the Bible where he said that God had "ordered the murder of innocent people," as my friend put it.
So, in my curiosity (and intense desire to learn more...I really love having a new reason to study the Word!! I'm pretty pumped about this), I have decided to do a personal study on both these events and also why God is so good.
When I come across interesting things I'll let you know.
Person 1: "GOD IS GOOD!"
Everyone else: "ALL THE TIME!"
Person 1: "ALL THE TIME!"
Everyone else: "GOD IS GOOD!"
It's simple, yet profoundly true and awesome. And fun.
Recently, though, a friend said to me (in paraphrase), "No, He isn't. look at all of this..." and proceeded to point out different places in the Bible where he said that God had "ordered the murder of innocent people," as my friend put it.
So, in my curiosity (and intense desire to learn more...I really love having a new reason to study the Word!! I'm pretty pumped about this), I have decided to do a personal study on both these events and also why God is so good.
When I come across interesting things I'll let you know.
Encounter TwentyTen
First of all I would like to say, twenty is a funny word, both to say and to write in full (twenty as opposed to 20). Be careful, though, who you say it around (if you are saying it multiple times to hear for yourself its oddness). I was just saying it out loud sitting here in the lounge room. My little sister looked at me and said, "You're weird." She then proceeded to go and inform our mum of this, whose response was, "Yes, isn't it wonderful?" I felt sufficiently justified.
Anyhow, that is not the point of this post. (Yes, I was sidetracked by writing the title.)
I want to tell you about a camp. A very awesome camp, which I recently went on along with 44 other young people.
Unfortunately I cannot tell you from experience what happened prior to Saturday afternoon (I had to work Saturday morning), though I heard from a lot of people that it was awesome.
Everyone left on Friday evening, I assume at around 7ish. Dad and I dropped off my little sister at around 6ish and by 6:30ish not everyone was there yet. It took roughly an hour and a half (or so) to get up to Macclesfield. When they arrived there was (I am informed) a small kerfuffle over who was to be in what dorm. This was quickly resolved. The first session was amazing, Dave Hall spoke. I am unaware of what happened at the second session and during the morning.
At around 2pm, I arrived. A very active and competitive 4:12 Wipeout was happening...sock wrestling was in full swing! Other stages included team slip'n'slide climbing (with soft, bouncy projectiles send down towards them), sumo wrestling and a canoe race, in which teams carried the canoe over their heads for roughly 100m and then paddled back down the stream, twice. Wearing thongs (or flip-flops for all you Americans out there). Josh's team won, with an insane 6 minutes on the course. It was a lot of fun! Then, we ate.
The food at this camp was the best camp food I've ever had. Thanks, Mr and Mrs Coleman!
In the evening, after freetime and dinner, we had our third session, with a talent fest. My little sister sang Amazing Grace and brought the house down, and a bunch of my friends did the Fresh Breath skit, managing to make our speaker and the director of Youth Alive SA both feel sick. It was gross but very impressive. Then the band got up and did a fantastic job of getting us ready to hear from Dave Hall again. It was awesome...the Holy Spirit and the power of God was in that meeting and everyone could feel it. God did some amazing things in a lot of people that night. YAY!!!
The next morning, God did more amazing and awesome things. Candace preached and the anointing of God was heaps evident on what she was saying.
In the afternoon, we canoed and it was a BLAST. Definitely my favourite thing that we did in our free time. Also there was a rope swing hanging from a big old pine tree.
The last night was Ninja Night! Everyone dressed up as ninjas (or, in some cases, Harijuku girls, Japanese tourists or in traditional kimonos) and we ate Asian food. We had the best spring rolls EVER! That night, Layla from Miracle City Church came and talked about healing, after which everyone in the youth group prayed for those who needed healing. The results were BEYOND AMAZING!!! It was mindblowingly fantastic!!! I'm not very good at medical explanations but I'll give it a go... One person had torn tendons and the growth plate in their ankle and could barely walk on it. The damage had been there for months and they hadn't gotten any better. We prayed for her and suddenly...she could jump around, all pain gone and movement restored! She's going to the doctor soon to get this confirmed. Another person had ruptured a disc in their spine, which was pressing on a nerve that ran down his leg. He'd been in so much pain that he couldn't work or anything, and found it hard to stand up for long periods of time. We prayed for him, then when he was asked how he felt, he tested it out...he was expecting to find that it still hurt. But the more he tested it, the more he realised that the pain was completely gone, and that he could move properly again!!! I have footage of him doing hand stands the next morning. A lot of other people were healed from all sorts of things, but there's not enough space to write about all of them. This must be how the disciples felt...imagine following healing power like that for two years and having to choose stories to record!
We all had insane amounts of fun.
I'm so excited about the things that God has done and is continuing to do in me and everyone I know. The fact that we all wanted to get closer to God and become more like him meant that we were able to in a really awesome way, because we were all there because we wanted to be. This camp was amazing but it's only the BEGINNING, the very tip of the iceberg of what God's got planned!!!
In the words of Pastor Mark Baker,
Anyhow, that is not the point of this post. (Yes, I was sidetracked by writing the title.)
I want to tell you about a camp. A very awesome camp, which I recently went on along with 44 other young people.
Unfortunately I cannot tell you from experience what happened prior to Saturday afternoon (I had to work Saturday morning), though I heard from a lot of people that it was awesome.
Everyone left on Friday evening, I assume at around 7ish. Dad and I dropped off my little sister at around 6ish and by 6:30ish not everyone was there yet. It took roughly an hour and a half (or so) to get up to Macclesfield. When they arrived there was (I am informed) a small kerfuffle over who was to be in what dorm. This was quickly resolved. The first session was amazing, Dave Hall spoke. I am unaware of what happened at the second session and during the morning.
At around 2pm, I arrived. A very active and competitive 4:12 Wipeout was happening...sock wrestling was in full swing! Other stages included team slip'n'slide climbing (with soft, bouncy projectiles send down towards them), sumo wrestling and a canoe race, in which teams carried the canoe over their heads for roughly 100m and then paddled back down the stream, twice. Wearing thongs (or flip-flops for all you Americans out there). Josh's team won, with an insane 6 minutes on the course. It was a lot of fun! Then, we ate.
The food at this camp was the best camp food I've ever had. Thanks, Mr and Mrs Coleman!
In the evening, after freetime and dinner, we had our third session, with a talent fest. My little sister sang Amazing Grace and brought the house down, and a bunch of my friends did the Fresh Breath skit, managing to make our speaker and the director of Youth Alive SA both feel sick. It was gross but very impressive. Then the band got up and did a fantastic job of getting us ready to hear from Dave Hall again. It was awesome...the Holy Spirit and the power of God was in that meeting and everyone could feel it. God did some amazing things in a lot of people that night. YAY!!!
The next morning, God did more amazing and awesome things. Candace preached and the anointing of God was heaps evident on what she was saying.
In the afternoon, we canoed and it was a BLAST. Definitely my favourite thing that we did in our free time. Also there was a rope swing hanging from a big old pine tree.
The last night was Ninja Night! Everyone dressed up as ninjas (or, in some cases, Harijuku girls, Japanese tourists or in traditional kimonos) and we ate Asian food. We had the best spring rolls EVER! That night, Layla from Miracle City Church came and talked about healing, after which everyone in the youth group prayed for those who needed healing. The results were BEYOND AMAZING!!! It was mindblowingly fantastic!!! I'm not very good at medical explanations but I'll give it a go... One person had torn tendons and the growth plate in their ankle and could barely walk on it. The damage had been there for months and they hadn't gotten any better. We prayed for her and suddenly...she could jump around, all pain gone and movement restored! She's going to the doctor soon to get this confirmed. Another person had ruptured a disc in their spine, which was pressing on a nerve that ran down his leg. He'd been in so much pain that he couldn't work or anything, and found it hard to stand up for long periods of time. We prayed for him, then when he was asked how he felt, he tested it out...he was expecting to find that it still hurt. But the more he tested it, the more he realised that the pain was completely gone, and that he could move properly again!!! I have footage of him doing hand stands the next morning. A lot of other people were healed from all sorts of things, but there's not enough space to write about all of them. This must be how the disciples felt...imagine following healing power like that for two years and having to choose stories to record!
We all had insane amounts of fun.
I'm so excited about the things that God has done and is continuing to do in me and everyone I know. The fact that we all wanted to get closer to God and become more like him meant that we were able to in a really awesome way, because we were all there because we wanted to be. This camp was amazing but it's only the BEGINNING, the very tip of the iceberg of what God's got planned!!!
In the words of Pastor Mark Baker,
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Oh, my.
I haven't blogged in eons.
Since my last post, I have completed a Diploma of Visual Merchandising, climbed out of my shell some more and realised that I need to be creative for the fun of it again.
Also, I want to publish a book.
Yes, you heard right. You see, I wrote a story back in 2007 which I feel, with enough editing (some of the words I used make no sense, I used a nonsense poem as inspiration), I could probably sell a lot of copies.
I know that isn't necessarily being creative for the fun of it...but it sure beats obsessing over whether or not the wording of my resume is optimum, and whether the people at my last job interview really did like my shoes (and, for that matter, thought I was quality hiring material).
It feels so good to write. I'd forgotten how much I love doing this!
I promise I will write again.
Within a month. (Or maybe next week. We'll see.)
Love always,
I haven't blogged in eons.
Since my last post, I have completed a Diploma of Visual Merchandising, climbed out of my shell some more and realised that I need to be creative for the fun of it again.
Also, I want to publish a book.
Yes, you heard right. You see, I wrote a story back in 2007 which I feel, with enough editing (some of the words I used make no sense, I used a nonsense poem as inspiration), I could probably sell a lot of copies.
I know that isn't necessarily being creative for the fun of it...but it sure beats obsessing over whether or not the wording of my resume is optimum, and whether the people at my last job interview really did like my shoes (and, for that matter, thought I was quality hiring material).
It feels so good to write. I'd forgotten how much I love doing this!
I promise I will write again.
Within a month. (Or maybe next week. We'll see.)
Love always,
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