Life never ceases to amaze me. God surprises me constantly. It's awesome. HE's awesome.
I look at my circumstances now, and remember where I was 3 months ago...6 months ago...a year much for me has changed.
I have changed...the people around me have changed.
I've grown up quite a bit. An interesting thing I've learned about growing up that I thought I might share is this. Growing up changes you and changes the way you think, and yet it doesn't. You still feel, in essence, the same as you did when you were four. Except...well, I like to argue that you're as intelligent as you were the day you began to exist, but your ability to understand and grasp what you previously couldn't is what actually develops.
Which brings me to another new thought, and a question: are we born with a limited capacity, or is our only limitation our thinking? Or...Do we have the capacity to be so immesurably awesome that we cannot fathom it ourselves...and therefore limit ourselves to what we are told by other people that we can do?
If you think "I'll never get a job" you probably won't...unless you change your thinking and do something about it.
If you think "My room will always look like a cyclone hit it" then it will likely stay that way.
Until you bchange your attitude and your thinking.
WHAT AM I SAYING???!! Now I should probably go clean my room. "I'm too busy" has been holding me back for too long :/
But yeah. Your behaviour and your understanding changes, but I don't think what makes you who you are changes. You are always uniquely you, no matter what you do.
Anyway, my messy room beckons me.
Love always
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