I have been learning a LOT lately, particularly about emotions, attitude, circumstances...and how they effect where you are in life. And, how you can reposition yourself in those areas to be piles more amazing! I keep seeing good examples, too... I am pretty sure I could write a book!
Parking a car the first few times ever. I don't know about you, but it was pretty fun times for me. Forget parallel parking for now even. Just getting it in one of the bays at the shops. Ridiculous. Especially on the left hand side!! I wish i could watch myself. And my facial expressions. I am surprised my driving instructor manages to hold a straight face as much as he does!! This afternoon, after one relatively....decent attempt at parking on the left, My driving instructor stopped me and said: "You know, it's all about positioning yourself! Where your vehicle is in relation to where you are going, the speed you travel at and which way you point the car!" To get to the goal destination, even to park, the way you align yourself and WHERE you put yourself to begin with are key.
You know those white gumtrees? And how they shed their bark every season? They look scrappy to begin with, but once all the loose stuff comes off, they are absolutely beautiful. But...if the tree doesn't shed all of the old bark, like in between the branches and everything, it doesn't quite have the same stunning effect. And plus, then all the redbacks and huntsmans and earwigs go and live in under the old bark. And then sometimes white ants discover the trees....not good for arborial health.
For a very long time, I have struggled with letting God take control of various areas i my life, and even though I have repositioned myself in the past and tried to change my attitude, my inability to give him TOTAL control has cost me his blessings. And now...after ages, I have finally fully let him take control. And the amazingness which he keeps blessing me with, despite quadrillions of sucky circumstances...it totally outweighs what once would have sent me nosediving into the pit of despair.
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