
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Uh, Hi?

Oh hey, I forgot I had a blog.

Hello, non-existent loyal readers!

I have been very busy playing minecraft and eating ice cream having a very busy life. You know, working and stuff. *cough*

Anyway, interesting content. Hmm.

I've been working on a few short stories lately, which I want to get published...but am too chicken to send to the publisher have not had time to. If you've known me personally or somehow stalked over to one of my really old blogs or my old myspace profile (yes, a very long time ago), I have for some years now been at a painstakingly slow pace writing a novel. Or five. I recently discovered that what I had originally thought were separate stories in separate universes were in fact all a part of the same world...just at different times. It's scary and exciting to think about the place that has been blossoming inside my mind for the past few years, I only hope that other people will one day find it as beautiful and amazing and breathtaking as I do when I drift off there in my mind.

I can't work on it at the moment though because my laptop fan is kaput....meaning that it restarts every ten minutes. Lame. So I am writing this at my friends' place, they are very generously letting me use their laptop lest I slip into internet/writing withdrawal so I can send some paperwork off to my boss.

No pretty pictures this post, except for this amazing staircase.Unique staircase